I often ask myself: What specific help do the people with same sex attraction need?
These people, just like you and me, yearn for love and friendship. Having encountered countless hardships which leave them deep emotional distress, they seek ways to soothe their pain and actualize their dreams one day. During the group gatherings with them, we shared life stories with each other. The more I heard from our groupmates, the more I realized that their struggles are of no difference from ours. Despite their pain, they did not stay put. Instead, they strived to move forward and live life to the fullest. Their determination to grow and achieve breakthroughs is undoubtedly stronger than many other people.
Many Christian bodies in Hong Kong have various support groups for the under-privileged, yet none is given to the silent and often forgotten group of people with same sex attraction. Since 2004 when New Creation Association was established, we have been offering support to the strugglers so that they can realize they are not alone, not being discriminated nor abandoned by the society. God loves everyone equally. With God’s love, we believe they can experience to be understood, accepted, encouraged, forgiven, healed, and finally overcome their sorrow and lead a fruitful life.